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April 13, 2022

About Nic

Next up in our Team Tripak series is Niclas Mader!

Nic is a snowmobiler from the Grande Prairie, Alberta region. He grew up in a small town on a farm and started riding sleds once he was old enough to walk. Nic started sledding in the mountains in 2013 and has made the sport his full-time passion. He spends his winters in the mountains soaking up every minute of sledding with friends and other professionals. 

Tripak Superlubricants Niclas Mader

Nic in Film

Nic has made appearances in sled films, working with Goondockers, Mike Reeves, Donovan with ForeverYoung Films and as well as his own YouTube channel


Nic's Back Country Pak

Nic has teamed up with us to create Nic's Back Country Pak, which is a 5-piece kit with the essentials for optimizing your snowmobile. It includes a 16 oz/500 ml bottle of AFMT Engine Treatment to be added to your oil, and 4 - 5 oz/150 ml bottles of 3 in 1 Gas Conditioner to add to your gas when you fill up.

Tripak Super Lubricants Niclas Mader Snowmobiler

Tripak Super Lubricants Nic's Back Country Pak

Thanks to Nic for your continued support! Check out Nic's riding on his Youtube channel and Instagram.

Nic Mader YouTube

Nic Mader Instagram